Water Kefir

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  • Kefir Foods Coconut Water Starter Kit Glass Bottle


    Coconut Water Starter Kit (TIBICOS) (Pronounced Kuh-Fear)

    Tibicos are a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts held in a polysaccharide biofilm matrix created by the bacteria. As with kefir grains, the microbes present in Tibicos acts in symbiosis to maintain a stable culture. Tibicos can do this in many different sugary liquids, feeding off the sugar to produce lactic acid, alcohol (ethanol), and carbon dioxide gas, which carbonates the drink.

    Tibicos are also known as Tibi, Water kefir grains, Sugar kefir grains, Japanese water crystals and California bees.

    Tibicos are found around the world, with no two cultures being the same. Typical Tibicos have a mix of LactobacillusStreptococcusPediococcus and Leuconostoc bacteria with yeasts from SaccharomycesCandidaKloeckera and possibly others. Lactobacillus brevis has been identified as the species responsible for the production of the polysaccharide (dextran) that forms the grains.

    People who do not wish to consume dairy products may find that Coconut water Kefir provides probiotics without the need for dairy or tea cultured products, such as kombucha. The finished product, if bottled, will produce a carbonated beverage. It will continue to ferment when bottled thus producing more carbonation—so bottles need to be capped loosely and allowed to breathe, or they may become explosive.




    • Produces its own Antibiotics and Probiotics
    • Eliminates unfriendly Bacteria
    • Heals internal and external inflammation
    • Helps to heal Candida, IBS, Diarrhea and Acid reflux
    • Improves resistance to Diseases
    • Balances intestinal Flora
    • Helps to heal Stomach ulcers
    • Helps to heal acne and skin disorders
    • Improves Kidney function, protects the Prostrate
    • Improves the condition of Asthma and Bronchitis
    • Regulates Blood Sugar in patients with Diabetes
    • Lowers Cholesterol
    • Regulates Metabolism and Digestion
    • Slows Aging and improves skin, hair, and muscle tone
    • Full of Vitamins and Beneficial Bacteria you need daily




    To activate Coconut Water Kefir starter kit for initial usage:

    1. Into the container (Glass bottle with lid) mix your Coconut water Kefir grains with 250ml of Coconut water.
    2. Stir the mix well with the wooden spoon provided. Cover the bottle with a cheesecloth or paper towel secured by a rubber band.
    3. Place in a warm spot, 22 to 25 degrees C for 24 hours.
    4. Strain out the Coconut Water Kefir grains using the cotton sieve supplied (Do not use a metal spoon or metal sieve) and place on a fresh batch of 250ml Coconut water. Do not discard your grains.
    5. Repeat steps 2-4 every 24 hours until the grains are activated. Activation may take 5 days. Your grains are activated and are culturing successfully once you notice that the sugar solution smells a bit yeasty, and the taste is flat and less sweet as the initial solution.


    Once your grains are activated you are ready to make Coconut water Kefir.

    1st Fermentation

    1. Transfer the Coconut Water Kefir grains into the Glass Bottle and add 500ml of coconut water
    2. Place in a warm spot at 20 -25 degrees C to culture for 24 hours.
    3. Drain the grains and keep on the side for your next batch or cover with a cup full of coconut water

    2nd Fermentation

    1. Cover the bottle with the lid tightly so that an airlock is achieved.
    2. Place in a warm spot at 20 – 25 Degrees C to culture for 24hours.
    3. After 12 hours we recommend, “burping” the glass bottle with lid to release excess pressure.
    4. The finished Fizzy coconut water is now ready to do the following with:

    Consume as is or add fruit, such as cranberries, lemon juice or berry juice concentrate or ginger, refrigerate and consume.


    The sky is the limit when it comes to flavoring options. Make sure that your grains are removed before you start to experiment so as not to contaminate your coconut water Kefir grains.


    Storage of your Coconut Water Kefir grains when you are not using them.

    Up to 3 weeks.

    Add your Coconut Water Kefir grains to 500ml of Coconut water.


    Shelf life of the Hydrated Water Kefir grains is 60 months from the manufactured date, or longer when stored in a freezer.


    Included in this starter kit.

    • Glass jar fermentation vessel
    • Milk cloth sieve and wooden stirrer
    • 5 grams dehydrated kefir grains
    • Instruction manual


  • Kefir Foods Water Grains Starter Kit Box


    Water Kefir Grains

    Water kefir is highly rich in probiotic beverage made from kefir grains which contain a good source of healthy bacteria and yeast. For more information, kefir is centuries fermented old drink discovered in Caucasus mountains. This beverage continues to be popular in Europe, Southwestern Asia, Russia and gained more popularity in the United States.

    This beverage has a wonderful flavor like natural and light refreshing soda. In the same way, the taste also can be referred as a lemonade or mild cola. Besides, it is normally made by combining the use of sugar water or fruit juice. Thus, you can combine and mix this beverage with fresh fruit, vanilla, honey, or maple syrup to boost the nice flavor. Consequently, the final flavor of water kefir is now on your hand. Indeed, it can be your alternative option for your sweet drinking menu.

    Moreover, water kefir has an excellent source of probiotics and nutrients for our body. Then, here we list the health benefits of water kefir below.

    • Source of Probiotics
    • Source of Vitamins
    • Acts as an Antibiotic
    • Anti-fungal properties
    • Lowers risk of Diabetes
    • Promotes Healthy Digestive System
    • Boosts immune system
    • Boosts energy
    • Prevents allergies
    • Acts as anti-imflammatory
    • Reduces risk of Candida
    • Fights Cancer
    • Maintains Heart function
    • Treats Bowel syndrome
    • Treats Asthma
    • Build Bone Density


    Tips for consuming

    1 You may add your water kefir into your smoothies, desserts, oatmeal, and salad bowl to have an extra-delicious food menu. You won’t miss the amazing taste from this beverage.
    2 Then, make sure water kefir is in the best condition and not being contaminated. It is a must to ensure that it does not smell terrible and has a thick texture.
    3 Further, consume water kefir for 1-4 cups daily. Indeed, by drinking water kefir routinely, it will lead you to a healthier life and body.
    4 If you have an allergic reaction such as a headache, nausea, or diarrhea from consuming this beverage, it is a wise way to stop consuming it and see the doctor.


  • Kefir Foods Water Kefir Starter Kit Glass Bottle


    Water Kefir Starter Kit

    This water Kefir starter kit contains all the equipment and instructions you need to get started culturing delicious probiotic goodness in the comfort of your home. Water kefir grains contain no actual “grains” such as wheat or rye. You can use this kit to make sugar water, juice, or coconut water. The taste varies greatly depending on the sugar used and the culturing time.

    • DIY water kefir kit
    • A fermented drink rich in probiotics
    • Dairy-free alternative to milk kefir
    • Has a pleasant light soda-like taste
    • Source of calcium, protein, potassium & other essential nutrients
    • Boosts immunity
    • Improves digestion
    • Promotes healthy bone density
    • Combats candida & promotes healthy bacterial balance in the gut
    • Anti-inflammatory benefits
    • Natural antibiotic & antifungal properties
    • Can be added to smoothies, desserts, oatmeal & salads


    Directions for activating your Water Kefir starter kit for initial usage:

    1. Into the container (Glass bottle with lid) mix 500ml at 25 degrees C of un-chlorinated soft water with 50g of either Illovo Treacle Sugar, Organic Cane Sugar, or fresh fruit juice. Stir until all the Sugar has dissolved. Do not use White Sugar.
    2. Add all the Water Kefir grains to the slightly heated liquid.
    3. Stir the mixture well with the wooden stirrer provided. Cover the bottle with a cheesecloth or paper towel secured by a rubber band.
    4. Place in a warm spot, 22 to 25 degrees C for 24 hours.
    5. Strain out the Water Kefir grains using the cotton sieve supplied (Do not use a metal spoon or metal sieve) and place on a fresh batch of Sugar water solution. (Discard this sugar water solution)
    6. Repeat steps 2-4 every 24 hours until the grains are activated. Activation may take 5 -10 days. Your grains are activated and are culturing successfully once you notice that the sugar solution smells a bit yeasty and the taste is flat and less sweet as the initial solution.

    Once your grains are activated you are ready to make water Kefir.

    1st Fermentation

    1. Transfer the Water Kefir grains into the Glass Bottle and add 500ml of sugar solution.
    2. Place in a warm spot at 20 -25 degrees C to culture for 24 hours. Keep your jar covered with a cloth / paper towel and rubber band.
    3. Drain the grains and keep on the side for your next batch or cover with a cup full of sugar solution.

    2nd Fermentation

    1. Cover the bottle with the lid tightly so that an airlock is achieved.
    2. Place in a warm spot at 20 – 25 Degrees C to culture for 24hours.
    3. After 12 hours we recommend, “burping” the glass bottle with lid to release excess pressure.
    4. The finished Fizzy water is now ready to do the following with:

    Add flavouring to the fizzy kefir water or add fruit – cranberries, ginger, lemon juice or berry juice concentrate work beautifully. Refrigerate and consume.
    The sky is the limit when it comes to flavouring options. Make sure that your grains are removed before you start to experiment with flavours so as not to contaminate your water Kefir grains.

    Storage of your Water Kefir grains when you are not using them.

    • Up to 3 weeks.
    • Add your Water Kefir grains to 500ml of soft un-chlorinated water and dissolve in 50g of Sugar. Place in the fridge.
    • Shelf life of the Hydrated Water Kefir grains is 60 months from the manufactured date, or longer when stored in a freezer.

    Water Kefir Starter Kit contains:

    • Glass jar fermentation vessel.
    • Milk cloth sieve and wooden stirrer.
    • 1.5 grams dehydrated water kefir grains.
    • Instruction manual.