Nutrilife Powder Activated Charcoal 150g
N$66.00Powder Activated Charcoal
Activated Charcoal helps counter the toxic effects of organic and inorganic poisons by reducing their systematic absorption from the gastro intestinal tract. It is a beneficial aid for the symptomatic relief of flatulence, and certain gastro-intestinal disorders including ulcers.
Suggested use: Adults – Add one to two heaped teaspoons of activated charcoal to a medium-sized glass, add a little water to form a paste, then slowly add more water to form a slurry.
- Best taken on an empty stomach but may be taken when required.
- If necessary taste can be improved by adding sucrose, fructose or glucose.
- 1 level 5ml medicine measure = approx. 2 grams. 1 heaped teaspoon = app. 3 grams
Further information:
Do not take dry activated charcoal as it may clog in the mouth and throat and cause choking, always mix with liquid as suggested.
Activated charcoal is relatively non-toxic taken by mouth and although unlikely, may cause vomiting, constipation or diarrhoea and color the faeces black.
Activated charcoal has the potential to reduce or neautralize the gastro-intestinal absorption of many drugs including salicylates, paracetamol. barbiturates and antidepressants.
Although used to treat certain poisons and drug overdoses in doses of 50grams every 4 hours or 35 grams every 2 hours it is not effective in the case of poisoning by strong acids, alkalis and other corrosive substances and its absorption capacity is too low to be of use in cases of iron salts, cyanide, malathion, dicophane, methyl alcohol or ethylene. In cases of poisoning or drug overdose always obtain urgent professional medical assistance.