
Showing all 2 results

  • Soaring Free Goji Berries Dried 200g


    Goji Berries

    Goji berries are added to almost every meal in China because goji berries are known to stimulate the release of digestive juices.

    • Raw goji berries provide a potent dose of antioxidants, and electrolytes
    • Reduce stress
    • Complete protein
    • Energy boosting
    • Prevents disease
    • Longevity superberry
    • better digestion
    • Better heart heath
    • Improves eyesight
    • Boosts immune system
  • Soaring Free White Mulberries Dried 200g


    White Mulberries

    Mulberries are both sweet and nutritious. They are high in vitamin C, iron, calcium, and protein, and are an excellent source of dietary fiber.

    Mulberries, also known as morus fruit, are both sweet and nutritious. They are high in vitamin C, iron, calcium, and protein, and are a good source of dietary fiber. Our organic mulberries are picked from the trees in Dut Village (Mulberry Village) in Turkey, and sun dried.

    They have been used medicinally to:

    • Benefit the kidneys
    • Treat weakness and fatigue
    • Correct anemia
    • Help protect against cancer
    • Reverse premature graying of the hair
    • Promote sleep
    • Calm the mind

    Mulberries are a source of resveratrol, a plant compound also found in red wine grapes, which helps starve cancer cells by inhibiting the action of a protein called nuclear factor-kappa B. Research shows that resveratrol blocks the action of cancer-causing agents, inhibits tumor growth and development, and causes precancerous cells to return to a normal, healthy state. Resveratrol, which functions as both an antioxidant and an anticoagulant, also shows promise in controlling heart disease, based on the results of cell cultures and animal studies.

    Dried mulberries are somewhat crunchy, like figs. They can be eaten as is, providing a refreshing alternative to raisins or other dried berries, or used to make a mulberry candy (grind them in the blender, mix in nut butter, and sweeten to taste). They are especially delicious in yogurt or with granola.