
Showing all 2 results

  • Escentia Aniseed Essential Oil 11ml


    Aniseed Essential Oil

    Aniseed (or anise) is a herb that is widely used as a domestic spice. The essential oil provides the basis for its medicinal applications: dry irritable coughs, bronchitis & whooping cough. It can help with digestive disorders such as colic, cramp & indigestion. Aniseed oil (Pimpinella anisum) can be useful in the treatment of muscular aches & pains, rheumatism and even hangovers.

    • Antiseptic
    • Antispasmodic
    • Carminative (helps with gas)
    • Diuretic
    • Expectorant
    • Stimulant
    • Can be used effectively as a fragrance component in soaps, toothpaste, and detergents.
    • Added to a carrier oil it can be useful as a massage treatment for muscular aches and pains; and even rheumatism.
    • Expectorant: It loosens phlegm deposited in the lungs and respiratory tracts and gives relief from coughing, difficulty with breathing, asthma, bronchitis, congestion and other respiratory disorders.
    • Insecticide: It is toxic to insects and smaller animals, therefore its smell keeps insects away. For this reason, this oil can be employed to drive away insects by using it in fumigants, vaporisers, and sprays. (be careful near small pets)
    • Sedative: Due to its tranquilising effect, it is used as a sedative for stress, nervous afflictions, as well as insomnia


    Suggested use: Please conduct own research

    • Place in an oil warmer / steamer to scent the air
    • In vapour therapy, aniseed oil is useful for asthma, colds and all breathing problems, as well as quelling nausea and vomiting
    • 2-3 drops of oil on a handkerchief to smell for digestive problems, nerves and migraine


    Further information:

    Essential oils are highly concentrated plant essences. The ingestion of essential oils is not recommended without prior advice from your health care practitioner. Dilute in a carrier or base when necessary.



    • Aniseed’s major component, anethole, is known to cause dermatitis in some individuals – test a small amount to avoid allergic and inflammatory skin conditions. Use in moderation only
    • In heavy doses, it has a narcotic effect & slows down respiration and circulation
    • It is poisonous to certain small animals & children should not be given high doses
    • Aniseed oil is estrogenic and it is best to avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding
    • Safety for cancer patients has not been established, but should be avoided for estrogen-sensitive cancers
  • Escentia Aniseed Essential Oil 20ml


    Aniseed Essential Oil

    Aniseed (or anise) is a herb that is widely used as a domestic spice. The essential oil provides the basis for its medicinal applications: dry irritable coughs, bronchitis & whooping cough. It can help with digestive disorders such as colic, cramp & indigestion. Aniseed oil (Pimpinella anisum) can be useful in the treatment of muscular aches & pains, rheumatism and even hangovers.

    • Antiseptic
    • Antispasmodic
    • Carminative (helps with gas)
    • Diuretic
    • Expectorant
    • Stimulant
    • Can be used effectively as a fragrance component in soaps, toothpaste, and detergents.
    • Added to a carrier oil it can be useful as a massage treatment for muscular aches and pains; and even rheumatism.
    • Expectorant: It loosens phlegm deposited in the lungs and respiratory tracts and gives relief from coughing, difficulty with breathing, asthma, bronchitis, congestion and other respiratory disorders.
    • Insecticide: It is toxic to insects and smaller animals, therefore its smell keeps insects away. For this reason, this oil can be employed to drive away insects by using it in fumigants, vaporisers, and sprays. (be careful near small pets)
    • Sedative: Due to its tranquilising effect, it is used as a sedative for stress, nervous afflictions, as well as insomnia


    Suggested use: Please conduct own research

    • Place in an oil warmer / steamer to scent the air
    • In vapour therapy, aniseed oil is useful for asthma, colds and all breathing problems, as well as quelling nausea and vomiting
    • 2-3 drops of oil on a handkerchief to smell for digestive problems, nerves and migraine


    Further information:

    Essential oils are highly concentrated plant essences. The ingestion of essential oils is not recommended without prior advice from your health care practitioner. Dilute in a carrier or base when necessary.



    • Aniseed’s major component, anethole, is known to cause dermatitis in some individuals – test a small amount to avoid allergic and inflammatory skin conditions. Use in moderation only
    • In heavy doses, it has a narcotic effect & slows down respiration and circulation
    • It is poisonous to certain small animals & children should not be given high doses
    • Aniseed oil is estrogenic and it is best to avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding
    • Safety for cancer patients has not been established, but should be avoided for estrogen-sensitive cancers