anti-depressant properties

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  • African Cranberry Concentrate 500ml


    Cranberry Concentrate

    Africa Cranberry is 100% pure cranberry extract. It has a naturally berry-licious tart flavour. Cranberries are packed full of phytonutrients that support cardiovascular health, immunity, and prevent cancer.

    • Rich in antioxidants, which neutralize harmful free radicals that lead to chronic disease.

    Some antioxidants present in cranberries are:

    • Proanthocyanidins which support blood vessel health,
    • Catechins, with anti carcinogenic and antidepressant properties
    • Lutein, the eye protector.
    • Cranberries are also abundant in Quercetin, a natural antihistamine, and Tannin, which prevents tooth decay.

    This fruit is touted as one of the best treatments for UTIs (urinary tract infections).

    • Its efficacy lies in its ability to prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract – thus the body can easily flush these pathogens out.
    • Men suffering from enlarged prostate may have UTI complications, and could benefit from trying cranberry.


    Suggested use: Mix Africa Cranberry with water, and drink it for its powerful therapeutic benefits.

    Take 2 tablespoons concentrate twice daily before meals. Mix the 2 tablespoons of concentrate with 8 tablespoons water before drinking.


    Further information:

    Cranberry is safe for short, or long term use.

    Cranberries do contain oxalates, so avoid over consumption if you have oxalate kidney stones.