
Showing 61–80 of 176 results

  • Nutriherb Dandelion 60 Capsules


    Dandelion Capsules – Potassium Rich

    A herbal food supplement which is a natural potassium rich diuretic, digestive aid, and tonic for the liver, gallbladder and kidney function.


    Suggested use: Adults – One capsule up to three times daily with water, or as required, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Not recommended for children


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Standardised dried herbal extract and powder equ to:

    Dandelion root 400mg

    Dandelion herb (Taraxacum officinale) 150mg

  • Nutriherb Fennel 60 Capsules


    Fennel – Indigestion and Lactation

    A traditional herbal food supplement beneficial for the control of indigestion and flatulence. Also believed to stimulate milk flow in nursing mothers.


    Suggested use:

    Adults (Indigestion): Two capsules as required, not more than 8 per day, or as recommended by your health care professional.

    Adults (Lactation): One to two capsules three times daily with water, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Do not take more than 8 capsules per day.

    Not recommended for children and pregnant women.


    Supplement facts:

    Active Ingredients

    Dried herbal extract:

    Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare)  450mg

  • Nutriherb Ginger 60 Capsules



    A nutritional supplement traditionally used to calm upset stomachs, morning sickness and travel sickness.


    Suggested use: Adults – One to two capsules up to three times daily with water as required or two capsules half and hour before travelling, or as recommended by your health care professional.

    Children from 6 to 12 years: One capsule, or as recommended by your health care professional


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Standardised root extract and powder equ to:

    Ginger root (Zingiber officinale) 500mg

  • Nutriherb Goldenseal 60 Capsules


    Goldenseal Capsules

    It is anti-microbial and beneficial for a variety of ailments including digestive problems, maintaining healthy gut flora, colds and flu, menstrual and menopausal problems.


    Suggested use: One capsule two to three times daily with water or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Not recommended for children or pregnant women.

    Do not take continuously for long periods


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Standardised herbal extract and powder equ to:

    Goldenseal root extract 15:1 (Hydrastis Canadensis)  116mg

    Equivalent to 1750mg

  • Nutriherb Laxegen Aid Constipation 60 Tablets


    Laxegen – Aids Constipation

    A natural aid for constipation.


    Suggested use: Adults – One tablet with a glass of water, if required can increase the dose to three tablets, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Do not exceed recommended dosage

    Do not use for more then 8-10 days


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients:

    Dry herbal extract and powder:

    Senna (Senna Alexandrina) 250mg

    Providing 6.5mg Sennosides

    Aloe Ferox ( Aloe candelabrum)

    Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) 20mg

    Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) 20mg

    Anise (Pimpinella anisum) 20mg

  • Nutriherb Liquorice 60 Capsules


    Liquorice Capsules

    Glycyrrhizin is a nutritionally beneficial digestive and hormonal stimulant, anti-inflammatory, helps to inhibit and inactivate herpes simplex virus particles and detoxify the liver.


    Suggested use: Adults – One to two capsules 3 times daily with water, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Not recommended for pregnant women.


    Supplement facts:

    Active Ingredients

    Standardised herbal extract and powder equ to:

    Liquorice root extract 22% glycyrrhizin (glycyrrhiza glabra) 410mg

    providing 90mg glycyrrhizin equ to 4100mg liquorice root powder

  • Nutriherb Nettle Healthy Digestion 60 Capsules


    Nettle – Healthy Digestion

    Nutritionally beneficial for normal healthy fluid retention levels and a clear healthy digestive system.


    Suggested use: Adults – One capsule two to three times daily with water, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:

    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Standardised herbal extract and powder:

    Nettle (stinging nettle) 2:1  (Folia urticae) 350mg

    Equivalent to Nettle powder 700mg

  • Nutriherb Oregano 60 Capsules



    A traditional herbal food supplement which is beneficial for the symptoms of cold and minor digestive upsets. Recent research has established its ability to combat “free radicals” to help prevent premature ageing and promote rejuvenation.


    Suggested use: Adults – One to three capsules daily with water or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Not recommended for children


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Dried herbal powder:

    Oregano (Origanum Spp.) 340mg


  • Nutriherb Psyllium Husk 60 Capsules


    Psyllium Husk Capsules

    Nutritionally beneficial for a clean, healthy and regular digestive system.


    Suggested use: Adults – One capsule two to three times daily as required or as recommended by your health care professional


    Further information:

    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Dried herbal powder:

    Psyllium husk (Isphaghula) (Plantago psyllium) 550mg


  • Nutriherb Rosemary 60 Capsules



    A source of borneol, hence its nutritional benefits for temporary fatigue, overwork, headaches, indigestion and as a circulatory stimulant. It’s anti-oxidant properties help prevent premature ageing of cells.


    Suggested use: Adults – One to three capsules daily with water or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:

    Active ingredients:

    Dried herbal extract and powder equivalent to

    Rosemary leaves (Rosmarinus officinalis) 550mg

  • Nutriherb Senna Aid Constipation 30 Tablets



    A natural aid for constipation.


    Suggested use: Adults – One tablet with a glass of water, if required can increase the dose to three tablets, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Do not exceed recommended dosage. Do not use for more than 8-10 days.


    Active ingredients:

    Standardised herbal extract and powder:

    Senna (Senna Alexandrina) 40mg

    Providing 8mg Sennosides

  • Nutriherb Slippery Elm 60 Capsules


    Slippery Elm

    A highly mucilaginous herb used to coat the stomach and provide protection in cases of gastritis, heartburn and ulercation.


    Suggested use: Adults – One to three capsules on an empty stomach before meals or when required for relief, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Do not exceed 10 capsules per day.

    Not recommended for children or pregnant women.


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Standardised powder and extract equ to:

    Slippery elm bark 2:1 (Ulmus rubra)  350mg

    Equivalent to 700mg slippery elm bark powder

  • Nutrilife Altistat Nutritional Blend 220g


    A blend of nutritional supplements with documented clinical trials supporting their efficacy and approved food claims for dietary support of healthy levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, blood glucose levels, digestive tract and general wellness.


    Suggested use: Add to meals, sprinkle over cereals or porridge. Add to yoghurt, smoothies or shakes.

  • Nutrilife Blackstrap Molasses 500g


    Blackstrap Molasses

    A slightly bitter sweet, lower calorie, nutritious molasses, rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6. Nutritionally beneficial for anemia, constipation, nervous conditions, insomnia and a healthy immune system.


    Suggested use: Adults – one to two teaspoons daily. Can be diluted with warm or cold water if required.

    Can be used with cooking and baking.


    Further information:

    Supplement fact:

    Blackstrap Molasses 500g

  • Nutrilife Bromelain And Papain 60 Capsules


    Bromelain And Papain

    Bromelain and Propain are natural proteolytic enzymes, which help in the digestion of protein, supporting proper gastrointestinal function and making these nutrients available for the body’s energy needs, cell growth and other functions required for optimal good health.


    Suggested use: Adults – One capsule two to three times daily, preferably with a meal or as recommended by your health care professional.



    People on blood thinning medication and anti-inflammatory medication should consult their Health Care professional before using. Pregnant women and children should consult their Health Care professional; before using.

    Allergens: Pineapple and Papaya


    Supplement facts:

    Bromelain (2400GDU/g from pineapple) 250mg

    Providing 600GDU (Gelatine digesting units)

    Papain (6000TU/mg from papaya( 250mg

    Providing 1500 000TU (Tyroosine Units)

  • Nutrilife Digestezyme 60 Capsules



    A natural enzyme active digestive aid, colon conditioner and gentle cleanser. A unique blend of green barley grass, psyllium husks, enzyme extracts and digestive, stomach, carminative and aromatic herbs.


    Suggested use: Adults and Children over 12 – One capsule in the morning and one to two capsules, or as required, or recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:

    Supplement facts:

    Green barley grass (hordeum spp.) 240mg

    Psylliium husks fibre 140mg

    Alfalfa herb (Medico sativa) 50mg

    Fenugreek seed (trigonella foenna) 40mg

    Konjac Glucomannan 40mg

    Buchu herb (Agathosma betulina) 30mg

    Chamomile flower ( Matricaria chamomilla) 30mg

    Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare) 30mg

    Mint herb (Piperita) 25mg

    Aniseed (Pimpinella ansium) 20mg

    Dill seed (Anthum graveolens) 20mg

    Parsley herb (Petraselinium sativum) 20mg

    Marjoram herb (Origanum vulgare) 20mg

    Ginger root (Zingiber officinale) 20mg


    Digestive Enzyme Mix providing: 20mg

    Amylase 480 DU

    Cellulase 4 CU

    Lactase 80 ALU

    Lipase 20 FIP

    Neutral Protease 120 HUT


  • Nutrilife L- Glutamine 500mg 60 Capsules


    L- Glutamine 500mg

    The brain and body’s major fuel course. It is metabolized by the body into glutamic acid. Nutritionally beneficial for a healthy immune system, proper brain function, protein synthesis, which leads to increased muscle mass and nitrogen retention which decreases muscle breakdown and recovery time after exercise. Helpful for arthritus, auto-immune diseases, fibrosis, intestinal disorders, peptic ulcers, connective tissue diseases, development disabilities, epilepsy, fatigue, impotence, depression, schizophrenia, senility and mental function.


    Suggested use: Adults – One capsule with a glass of water one to two times per day on a n empty stomach 1 to 2 hours before or after meals. Alternatively, take as recommended by your healthcare professional.


    Further information:

    Supplement facts:

    L-Glutamine 500mg


    Warnings: Do not exceed recommended daily dosage.  Not recommended for children.

  • Nutrilife Powder Activated Charcoal 150g


    Powder Activated Charcoal

    Activated Charcoal helps counter the toxic effects of organic and inorganic poisons by reducing their systematic absorption from the gastro intestinal tract. It is a beneficial aid for the symptomatic relief of flatulence, and certain gastro-intestinal disorders including ulcers.

    Suggested use: Adults – Add one to two heaped teaspoons of activated charcoal to a medium-sized glass, add a little water to form a paste, then slowly add more water to form a slurry.

    • Best taken on an empty stomach but may be taken when required.
    • If necessary taste can be improved by adding sucrose, fructose or glucose.
    • 1 level 5ml medicine measure = approx. 2 grams. 1 heaped teaspoon = app. 3 grams

    Further information:


    Do not take dry activated charcoal as it may clog in the mouth and throat and cause choking, always mix with liquid as suggested.

    Activated charcoal is relatively non-toxic taken by mouth and although unlikely, may cause vomiting, constipation or diarrhoea and color the faeces black.

    Activated charcoal has the potential to reduce or neautralize the gastro-intestinal absorption of many drugs including salicylates, paracetamol. barbiturates and antidepressants.

    Although  used to treat certain poisons and drug overdoses in doses of 50grams every 4 hours or 35 grams every 2 hours it is not effective in the case of poisoning by strong acids, alkalis and other corrosive substances and its absorption capacity is too low to be of use in cases of iron salts, cyanide, malathion, dicophane, methyl alcohol or ethylene. In cases of poisoning or drug overdose always obtain urgent professional medical assistance.

  • Nutrilife Psyllium Husk Powder 250g


    Psyllium Husk Powder

    Psyllium Husk Powder contains 90% of soluble gelling fibre, a prebiotic colon cleanser that supports healthy gut flora, bowel and digestive function, blood sugar and cholesterol as well as weight management.


    Suggested use: Adults – Dissolve 1/2 – 1 tablespoon (5-10g) once or twice daily in a full glass of liquid. Be sure to consume immediately and follow with another glass of water. Best taken 30 minutes before meals.


    Further information:


    Do not ingest dry powder, as it may cause choking.

    Do not take if you have Oesophageal Narrowing or swallowing difficulty.


    Active ingredients: Psyllium Husk (Plantago Psyllium / Ispaghula) Powder.


  • Nutrilife Speciality Activated Charcoal 60 Capsules


    Speciality Activated Charcoal

    Activated Charcoal helps counter the toxic effects of organic and inorganic poisons by reducing their systematic absorption from the gastro intestinal tract. It is a beneficial aid for the symptomatic relief of flatulence, and certain gastro-intestinal disorders including ulcers.


    Suggested use: Adults – One to three capsules as required with a full glass of water or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:

    Active ingredients: Activated Charcoal (carbo activatus) 300mg