
Showing 121–140 of 277 results

  • Nutrilife Multienzyme Maximum Absorption 90 Tablets


    Multienzyme Maximum Absorption

    A natural and balanced multi-enyme formula with bioavailable vitamin, mineral and other nutrients for maximum absorption and digestion of the food supplement and other food ingested. Also rich in chlorophyll, sterols and sterolins.


    Suggested use: Adults – One to two tablets three times daily with water 15 mins before meals, or as required.


    Further information:


    Do not exceed recommended daily dose. Not recommended for children.


    Supplement facts:

    Green barley grass (Hordeum spp.) 350mg

    Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum) 80mg

    Spirulina 75mg

    Peppermint 10mg



    ZymetoneTM – Multienzyme blend providing

    Amylase 960 DU

    Cellulase 8CU

    Lactase 160 ALU

    Lipase 40 FIP

    Neutral Protease 240 HUT

    Bromelain 2 GDU

    Papain 900 TU

  • Nutrilife Powder Brewers Yeast 200g


    Powder Brewers Yeast

    Brewers yeast is used as a nutritional supplement. Its a rich source of GTF Chromium, several B-Vitamins, protein + dietary fibre, which may help your body maintain normal blood sugar levels. Its produced by cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on malted barley in the production of beer.


    Suggested use: One to two heaped teaspoons (5 to 10grams) dissolved in water, juice or milk or added to smoothies. Sprinkle on cereals or use seasoning in food preparation to add nutrients to meals.

  • Nutrilife Powder Nutri Yeast 200g


    Nutri Yeast

    A primary-grown inactive dried yeast produced for its bioavailable nutritive value.

    An excellent source of non-animal protein with a delicious nutty flavor, providing 50% protein with 41% Amino acids, 27% dietary fibers, 4% minerals, 0.04% B group vitamins.


    Suggested use: Adults – One to three heaped teaspoons (5 to 15grams) daily, dissolve in water, juice, yogurt, blackstrap molasses or honey or added to smoothies.

    Use a peppershaker to sprinkle on cereals or use as seasoning on popcorn and salads.

    Add to cooking or baking for added flavour and nutritional Value


    Further information:

    Active ingredient: Nutri Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)  Lynside NUTRI



  • Nutrilife Powder Spirulina 200g



    High in protein 60% to 65%, vitamins, minerals and phyonutrients such as carotenoids, GLA, ALA, SOD, phycocyanin and chlorophyll. This excellent source of healthy nutrients also has detoxifying, antimicrobial benefits and supports healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.


    Suggested use: Mixed with smoothies, water or juices.

    Adults – For general health benefits, 1 teaspoon (4g) daily.

    As an additional source of nourishment, 10g daily can be taken safely for up to 6 months.


    Further information:

    Active Ingredients: Spirulina Powder

  • Nutrilife Powder Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid 100g


    Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid

    99.9 % pure ascorbic acid, vitamin C.


    Suggested use: A 1/4 teaspoon with water daily before meals or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:

    Active ingredients: Vitamin C – Ascorbic Acid

  • Nutrilife Proanthocyanidin Antioxidant Complex 60 Tablets


    Proanthocyanidin Antioxidant Complex

    Nutritionally beneficial for slowing the aging effects of free radicals and maintaining a healthy immune system.


    Suggested use:

    Adults – One to two tablets daily

    Children over 12 – One tablet daily or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    People on blood thinning medications (for eg: warfin) and anti-inflammatory medicine should consult their health care professional before using.


    Active ingredients:

    Grape seed 95% Proanthocyanidin 125mg


    Beta carotene 10% 5mg

    Providing Vitamin A activity 1665iu

    Vitamin C ascorbic acid 65mg

    Vitamin E 50% 15mg

    Providing Vitamin E 7.5mg


    Zinc AAC 20% 20mg

    Providing elemental Zinc 4mg

    Copper AAC 10% 1mg

    Providing elemental copper 100ug

    Selenium AAC 2% 500ug

    Providing elemental Selenium 10ug

    Other Nutrients:

    Bioperine 2mg

  • Nutrilife Speciality Brewers Yeast 90 Capsules


    Speciality Brewers Yeast Tablets

    Brewers yeast is used as a nutritional supplement. Its a rich source of GRF Chromium, several B-Vitamins, protein + dietary fibre, which may help your body maintain normal blood sugar levels. Its produced by cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on malted barley in the production of beer.


    Suggested use:

    Adults – 1 to 4 caplets per day with water

    Children – 1 to 2 caplets per day with water in divided doses, or as recommended by a health care professional


    Further information:

    Active ingredients: Brewers Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 600mg

  • Nutrilife Speciality Co enzyme Q10 30 Capsules


    Speciality Co enzyme Q10

    Nutritionally beneficial for a healthy cardiovascular system and cellular energy. The bioavailability and efficacy of Q10 are enhanced by vitamin E, turmeric Bioperine and Flax seed oil .


    Suggested use: Adults – One capsule daily with water or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Coenzyme Q10 – Ubiquinone 50mg

    Scheduled vitamins

    Vitamin E 50% CWS 20mg

    Nutri Extracts

    Standardised extract + powder equiv. to:

    Turmeric (Curcuma longo) 700mg

    Flax Seed oil powder (linum usitatissimum) 50mg

    Bioperine 2mg

  • Nutrilife Speciality MYO – Inositol & Choline 60 Capsules


    Speciality Inositol and Choline

    Usually considered part of the vitamin B complex. Inositol and choline cholesterol levels and protect cells from oxidation damage. They also help maintain healthy hair and protect against hair loss.


    Suggested use: Adult – One to two capsules per day with water or as recommended by a health care professional. Not recommended for children.


    Further information:


    Do not exceed the daily dose of: Inositol 2000mg, Choline 2000mg.



    Inositol 250mg

    Choline Bitartrate 250mg

  • Nutrilife Vita B Forte Complex B Boost 100 Tablets


    Vita B Forte Complex B Boost

    B vitamins play a vital role in maintaining good health and well-being.


    Suggested use: Adults and children over 10 – One tablet daily with water or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:



    B1 Thiamine HCL 5mg

    B2 Riboflavin 2mg

    B3 Nicotinamide 20mg

    B6 Pyridoxine 2mg

  • Nutrilife Vita B1 Thiamine 60 Capsules


    Vita B1 Thiamine

    An advanced enzyme active complex buffered with natural protein bonded enzymes and co-factors for enhanced absorption and efficacy. Nutritionally beneficial for fatigue, muslce weakness, poor appetite, nausea, digestion, constipation, memory, concentration, tender calves and tingling in toes and soles.


    Suggested use: Adults – One Capsule daily with water or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Not recommended for children under 12



    Vitamin B1 (Thiamine HCL) 100mg

    Barley Grass (Hordeum spp. grass) 240mg

    Spirulina 60mg


    ZymetoneTM – Multienzyme blend providing 5mg

    Amylase 72 DU

    Cellulase 0.6CU

    Lactase 12 ALU

    Lipase 3FIP

    Neutral Protease 18 HUT

    Bromelain 2,4 GDU

    Papain 6000TU

  • Nutrilife Vita B3 Niacin – flush 100 Tablets


    Vita B3 Niacin

    Nicotinic acid, or niacin, aids in the release of energy from foods, synthesise DNA and the two coenzymes NAD and NAPD which are necessary for healthy skin, nerves, digestive system, blood vessels and cholesterol control. Essential for synthesis of sex hormones – oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone.


    Suggested use:

    Adults and children over 12: 1 to two capsules per day with water, after a meal, or as recommended by your health care professional.

    Children under 12: As recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Nicotinic acid should be given cautiously to patients with a history of peptic ulceration, diabetes mellitus, gout or impaired liver function. Avoid high doses if pregnant or breast-feeding.

    Do not exceed daily amounts of 150mg



    Nicotinic Acid 50mg

  • Nutrilife Vita B5 Calcium D-Pantothenate 60 Capsules


    Vita B5 Calcium D-Panthenate

    An advanced enzyme active complex buffered with natural protein bonded enzymes and co-factors for enhanced absorption and efficacy. Acts as coenzyme A in the production of energy, anti-stress hormones and antibodies. Nutritionally beneficial for healthy nerves, stress, allergic skin reaction and rheumatoid arthritis.


    Suggested use: Adults – One capsule daily with water or as recommended by your health care professional. Not recommended for children under 12.


    Further information:


    3330% (6mg) Adult RDA, recommended daily allowance. Do not exceed USL, daily upper safe levels of 500mg.




    Vitamin B5 (calcium D-pantotheate) 200mg


    Barley grass (Hordeum spp. grass) 50mg equiv to 200mg

    Spirulina 60mg

    Other Nutrients:

    Bioperine 2mg

    Zymetone TM – Multienzyme blend providing 10mg

    Amylase 240DU

    Cellulase 2CU

    Lactase 40 ALU

    Lipase 10 FIP

    Neutral Protease 60 HUT

  • Nutrilife Vitamin D3 & K2 60 Tablets


    Vitamin D3 & K2 Tablets

    Vitamin D3 supports the development and maintenance of bones, teeth, hair, skin & nails and a healthy immune, brain and nervous system.

    Vitamin K2 helps bind calcium into bones for strong bone development and directs free calcium away from the arteries to maintain healthy circulation.


    Suggested use: As a dietary supplement.

    Adults: One tablet daily with water or as recommended by your health care professional

  • Nutrilife Vitamin Forte A – Z 60 Tablets


    Vitamin Forte A – Z Vitamins & Minerals

    A complete and balanced A to Z vitamin and mineral supplement for health and vitality.


    Suggested use: Adults and Children over 12 years – One caplet per day with water as recommended by your health care professional.




    Vitamin A 2500iu

    Vitamin B Thiamine HCL 2mg

    Vitamin B2 Riboflavin 2mg

    Vitamin B3 Nicotinamide 15mg

    Vitamin B5 Ca. Pantothenate 3mg

    Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine HCL 2mg

    Vitamin B9 Folic Acid 200mcg

    Vitamin B12 Cyano-Cobalamin 2mcg

    Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid  25mg

    Vitamin D 200iu

    Vitamin E 5mg



    Calcium 200mg

    Chromium 10mcg

    Copper 1.2mg

    Iron 20mg

    Magnesium 30mg

    Manganese 1.4mg

    Phosphorus 50mg

    Selenium 30mcg

    Sulphur 20mg

    Vanadium 5mcg

    Zinc 10mg

  • Nutrilife Vitamin K2 & D3 60 Tablets


    Vitamin K2 & D3 Tablets

    Vitamin K2 helps bind calcium into bones for strong bone development and directs free calcium away from the arteries to maintain healthy circulation.

    Vitamin D3 supports the development and maintenance of bones, teeth, hair, skin & nails and a healthy immune, brain and nervous system.


    SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement

    ADULTS: One tablet daily with water or as recommended by your health care professional


    Further information:

    Active Ingredients:

    Vitamin K2VITAL® DELTA Powder 60mg – Providing microencapsulated K2 120µg (all-trans MK7),

    Vitamin D3 1000iu

  • Nutrilife Vitamins Multivitamin Enzyme Active High Potency 60 Veggie Capsules


    Vitamins Multivitamin Enzyme Active High Potency

    Enzyme active, high potency multivitamin.


    Suggested use: Adults and children over 10: One capsule per day with water or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Not recommended for children under 10.



    Vitamin A Retinal Acetate 1000RE 3300iu

    Vitamin B1 Thiamine HCL 20mg

    Vitamin B2 Riboflavin 20mg

    Vitamin B3 Nicotinamide 30mg

    Vitamin B5 D-Calcium Pantothenate 20mg

    Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine HCL 20mg

    Vitamin B9 Folic Acid 400ug

    Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin 100iu

    Biotin 200ug

    Vitamin C Calcium Ascorbate 100mg

    Vitamin D3 Cholecalciferol 10ug 400iu

    Vitamin E DL-Alpha-Tocopheryl-A30.000TE 30mg

    Other Nutrients:

    PABA (Para Aminobenzoic Acid) 7.5mg

    Choline Bitartrate 18mg

    Inositol 7.5mg

    Nutri Extracts

    Medicago Sativa equiv to 30mg

    Horeum spp. equiv to 160mg

    Spirulina equiv to 40mg

    Tomato 10% Lycopene 5mg

    Wild Carrot 10% Beta Carotine 5mg

    Marigold 5% Lutein 5mg

    Zymetone TM – Multienzyme blend providing 5mg

    Amylase 72 DU

    Cellulase 0,6 CU

    Lactase 12 ALU

    Lipase 3 FIP

    Neutral Protease 18 HUT

    Bromelain 2,4 GDU

    Papain 6000 TU

  • Nutrilife Vitamins Multivitamin Forte High Potency 100 Tablets


    Multivitamin Forte High Potency

    A balanced multivitamin providing high potency doses of the necessary additional vitamins for family health and vitality.


    Suggested use: Adults – One to two tablets per day with water

    Children over 10 – One tablet per day with water or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    A Retinol 1000iu

    B1 Thiamine 5mg

    B2 Riboflavin 2mg

    B3 Nicotinamide 20mg

    B5 Calcium Pantothenate 3mg

    B6 Pyridoxine 2mg

    C Ascorbic Acid 10mg

    D Cholecalciferol 50iu

    Folic Acid 500ug


  • Nutrilife Vitamins PABA 60 Tablets



    Also known as Vitamin Bx, bacterial vitamin H, anti-grey hair factor. Nutritionally beneficial for healthy intestinal flora/bacteria, folic acid and pantothenic acid production, utilisation of proteins and formation of red blood cells. A deficiency of PABA may lead to gastrointestinal disorders, fatigue, depression, irritability, nervousness, skin wrinkles, greying of the hair and vitiligo, a skin pigmentation disorder resulting in patchy areas of white skin.


    Suggested use: Adults – One tablet two to three times daily with meals or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    PABA para Amino benzoic Acid 100mg

  • Nutrilife Vitamins Vita B12 and B9 Cobalamin and Folic Acid 100 Tablets


    Vita B12 and B9 Cobalamin and Folic Acid

    Vitamin B12 is nutritionally beneficial for normal hair growth and development, anaemia, healthy myelin sheaths (nerve insulator) mood levels and good mental health. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is essential for red blood cells, RNA and DNA production, body cell division and sugar and amino acid utilization.


    Suggested use: Adults – One tablet daily with water or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Not recommended for children under 12



    Vitamin B12 Cobalamin 100ug

    B9 Folic Acid 500ug