A Vogel Molkosan 200ml


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A. Vogel Molkosan is made from lacto fermented whey, and is a prebiotic food supplement.

It assists in promoting better digestive health. It can be taken either alone, before or alongside a probiotic supplement.

A source of high levels of lactate (L (+) lactic acid) and butyrate and the beneficial effects of lactate and butyrate are listed.

The beneficial effects of lactate and butyrate are:

  • Supports healthy gut bacteria and microbiome.
  • Supports gut health and helps prevent disease of the colon.
  • Lowers gut pH and protects gut against pathogens.
  • Regulates bowel movement and improves gut motility.
  • Supports healthy growth of intestinal cells.
  • Lactate and butyrate have been shown in vitro to have protective anticancer effects on colon cells.
  • Protects against the effects of gut inflammation.
  • Adjunctive and supportive treatment of symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and/or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), such as diarrhoea, bloating, cramping, flatulence and constipation.
  • Supportive / adjunct treatment for NAFLD (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) / Fatty liver.
  • Supports the intestinal barrier and defence mechanism.
  • Adjunctive and supportive treatment in hyperlipidaemia / high cholesterol / abnormal cholesterol values.
  • Beneficial supportive therapy during and after antibiotic treatment.
  • Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant as L (+) lactic acid helps break down the protein in milk.
  • Support healthy insulin levels.



Suggested use:

For general digestive health maintenance:
Adults and children over 12 years:
10 ml once daily in water or juice.

Children 6 – 12 years:
5 ml once daily in water or juice.

For additional support:
Adults and children over 12 years:
20 ml once to twice daily in water or juice.

Children 6 -12 years:
5 ml twice daily in water or juice.
One month’s course is advised.
Thereafter return to the maintenance dosage.


Further information:

Ingredients: Concentrated, lactofermented whey (from Swiss Cow’s milk & without protein), L+ lactic acid, potassium citrate. Pasteurised.

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