Gaia Organics Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food Grade Solution 500ml


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Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade Solution – 35% Food Grade

Until recently, many people had only heard of hydrogen peroxide for the purpose of dying one’s hair in a 10% or 20% volume.  Only 35% food-grade volume is safe for human ingestion and only in very small doses (3 drops in a glass of water daily).

If one is intending to use 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide for oxygenation (H2O2) purposes, it is advisable that you begin with a 5-day course of 43% Pure Magnesium Peroxide Powder (MgO2) prior to using 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.

Magnesium Peroxide will clear the body and gut from any excess acid and mucous thereby allowing the beneficial oxygenating effects 0f 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to be fully absorbed at the cellular level.

  • Avoid direct contact with the skin (hands/fingers) particularly in an undiluted form
  • Keep away from children
  • Never drink in an undiluted state

Disclaimer:  35% Food Grade H202 is not a medicine and is not recommended to treat or ‘cure’ any disease whatsoever.  It is used for health optimizing purposes only. Please consult your medical practitioner or healthcare advisor if unsure.

History: Gaia Research was founded in 1997.  For many years we have been suggesting the simple health benefits of a gentle dilution of 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide.  Hydrogen peroxide occurs naturally in atmospheric rain and is also manufactured in the human body, however largely depleted by environmental as well as poor health factors.


Suggested use / Recommendation for oxygenation :
Add 3 drops per 250ml glass of water in between meals, 3 times per day. Other suggested uses for dilution for a 3% solution:  50ml 35% Hydrogen Peroxide to 500ml distilled or purified water, in a hand-pump atomizer.  This will include sterilization and chemical detoxification of fruit and vegetables, crockery, cutlery, chopping boards, and kitchen sinks and household surfaces followed by rinsing, however, fruits and vegetables should be rinsed within 3-5 minutes.

H2O2 at the recommended dilution of 3 drops per 250ml glass of water serves as an effective drinking water disinfectant against unicellular pathogens and reproductive egg stages of multi-cellular pathogens without the high toxicity potential of chlorine, other disinfectants, and their by-products.


Suggested use / Recommendations for nebulizing:

If undiluted as in the 35% FOOD-GRADE concentrate, 1 drop to 60ml water/saline solution.


Please do your own research or consult your healthcare practitioner.


Further information:

This product is volatile, contains & releases oxygen which can build up in the bottle if not released at regular intervals.



Avoid ALL and ANY direct contact with the eyes. (In the event of contact with the eyes continuously & thoroughly rinse the eyes and IMMEDIATELY consult your doctor.)

Avoid DIRECT CONTACT with the skin if in an undiluted form .

Storage: If using daily, store in the fridge.  If the product comes into contact with hands it will cause a whitening effect on fingers or any other contact areas, causing an itchy sensation, which will disappear.


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