Kuro-Bo Activated Charcoal Koins


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Activated Charcoal Koins

Kuro-Bo Activated Charcoal is the only 100% natural, recyclable and plastic-free water filter in SA; rapidly improving the taste and odour of your tap water, while completely removing the need for wasteful and expensive plastic bottles. Kuro-Bo Activated Charcoal is eco-friendly, portable and the only product in SA to both filter and mineralise, while balancing pH.

Lasting up to three months, Kuro-Bo is proven to reduce levels of iron, chlorine, manganese, lead, aluminium, copper and mercury, while enriching with bioavailable calcium and magnesium. There are no bulky systems, jugs or monthly cartridges to buy, and Kuro-Bo Activated Charcoal can be recycled in a multitude of useful and eco-friendly ways (e.g as a dehumidifier, a deodoriser or a biochar).


Suggested use: Kuro-Bo Activated Charcoal is also very easy to use ‘ simply boil and drop into any container of tap water, allow to filter and enjoy!

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