Nutrilife Black Walnut Tincture 50ml


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Black Walnut Tincture

Nutritionally beneficial aid for rheumatic pain, inflammation and an assortment of ‘female complaints’. Laboratory studies have shown its effectiveness as an aid in the control of high blood pressure and sugar levels.


Suggested use: Can be taken directly on the tongue or in a 1/3 glass of water or juice. If medicinal alcohol cannot be tolerated, place drops in boiling water for three minutes. The alcohol will evaporate and herbs will be as effective.

Adults: 20-30 drops 2-3 times daily

Children(1 – 5 years): 5 drops 3 time daily

Children (6 – 12 years): 10 drops 3 times daily, or as recommended by your health care professional (10 drops for maintenance)

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