balance overall health

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  • Just Health Fulvi-X 500ml



    500ml Fulvic acid (1200mg per 15ml dose), Nitrogen, Oxygen, Minerals, trace elements and water.

    • An organic chemical compound which enhances absorption of nutrients such as probiotics, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals
    • Slows down aging – fights free radical damage
    • Improves resistance to infections and diseases
    • Restores, rejuvenates and repairs damaged skin
    • Improves digestive health and enzyme activity
    • Improves/protects brain function and cognitive health- successfully used with conditions like ADD/ADHD/Autism/chronic fatigue/chronic illnesses
    • Increases energy levels
    • Eliminates or reduces the effects of radiation/EMFs on the body

    Fulvic acid is combined with ultra-anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients to boost immunity and balance overall health naturally with the purest organic ingredients

    • Curcumin may provide anti-inflammatory relief
    • Vit C boosts immunity
    • Beetroot extract acts as a liver cleanse
    • Aloe vera Barbadensis balances gut flora
    • PQQ protects cells from oxidative stress, promoting cognitive and mitochondrial health