Nebulising Liquid
Silverlab’s 200ml Nebulising Liquid is specifically formulated to target respiratory ailments, including symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) and a tight chest.
Silverlab’s Nebulising Liquid (25 ppm) is specifically formulated for respiratory care and support, including assistance with symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath and a tight chest.
Each nebulised drop contains billions of positively charged ionic+ silver particles, which seek and eliminate harmful microorganisms. For optimal outcome, nebulising the ionic+ solution facilitates instant absorption and bioavailability to the affected area, targeting signs and symptoms that may include colds, flu, lung infections, sinus infections, and nasal congestion.
Use in combination with Silverlab’s Nasal Spray for extra support against respiratory conditions.
Suggested use:
Silverlab Nebulising Liquid may be used as an antimicrobial (anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal) agent to assist with various conditions. It also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Silverlab Nebulising Liquid serves as a nebulising liquid and may alleviate respiratory symptoms such as a cough, shortness of breath or tight chest. It may also assist by supporting the immune system, and may therefore provide a first-line of defence.
In various laboratory tests, Colloidal Silver displayed anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antimycotic properties. Because Colloidal Silver is natural, and when using the recommended dosages, has no reported toxic side-effects to date. This renders Colloidal Silver as an agent with a favourable safety profile.
If you have respiratory symptoms:
Adults: Days 1 & 2: Nebulise with 5 ml every hour until symptoms subside significantly or resolve, (generally within 2-12 doses).
Symptoms may include cough, shortness of breath or tight chest, which may be accompanied with a headache or generalised weakness.
If symptoms are not improving or are worsening, please consult your doctor.
Day 3 onwards: Nebulise with 5 ml, 2 to 3 times a day until there is complete resolution of symptoms (up to 14 days).
Children: Nebulising should be done under the prescription or supervision of a doctor.
Children over 12: 5 ml, as per Adults above or as prescribed.
Children above 5 years: Nebulise with 2,5 ml as per Adults above, or as prescribed.
- To avoid possible dizziness / light-headedness due to hyperventilation, please breathe normally with slow deep breaths while nebulising.
- Best results are obtained when nebulising while in an upright position.
- Alternate between inhaling through the nose and then inhaling through the mouth if possible.
Use undiluted.