Nature Fresh

Nature Fresh’s approach to investigating a health condition is unique and original. They look for the cause of the problem, find out how things work, select ways to deal with the situation and set to work on experiments until they have a few good, safe, practical solutions. Nature Fresh’s results are demonstrated by the way patients respond to herbal alternatives and nutritional supplements.

Showing 21–21 of 21 results

  • Nature Fresh Toothpaste Olive Leaf, Aloe Bitters, Tea Tree Oil and Cloves 100ml


    Herbal Toothpaste

    Mild natural toothpaste with Olive leaf, Cloves, Aloe bitters and Tea Tree Oil. Popular with health conscious people for its value as a tooth nutrient, gum protector and gentle tooth cleaner. Safe to swallow & flouride free. Nature Fresh Herbal toothpaste contains anti-microbial herbal extracts and beneficial minerals.

    Suggested use:

    Brush teeth after breakfast and at bedtime. Use herbal Nature Fresh Anti-microbial mouthwash.