Other - Herbal, Medicinal, Ayurvedic

Showing 341–360 of 583 results

  • Nutriherb Sage 60 Capsules



    A traditional herbal food supplement which has a diuretic and anti-depressive effect and a high oestrogen content hence its beneficial effect for the symptoms of menopause and menstrual problems.


    Suggested use: Adults – One to two capsules daily with water or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Not recommended for children.


    Active ingredients:

    Dried herbal extract:

    Sage (Salvia officinalis) 300mg

  • Nutriherb Saw Palmetto 2400mg 60 Capsules


    Saw Palmetto

    A herbal food supplement highly valued for its tonic effect in debility and convalescence. Beneficial for the symptoms of cystitis and prostate problems.


    Suggested use: Adults – One capsule up to three times daily with water, or as required, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:

    Active ingredients:

    Standardised berry extract & powder equ to:

    Saw palmetto berries (Serenoa repens) 500mg

  • Nutriherb Sceletium 60 Capsules



    Nutritionally beneficial for a relaxed sense of well-being, mood elevation and reduced levels of anxiety, stress and tension.


    Suggested use: Adults – One capsule with water in the morning is generally sufficient. If necessary another may be taken after midday, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.


    Further information:


    Not recommended by your healthcare professional


    Active ingredients:

    Dry herbal extract:

    Scelentium (Scelentium tortuosom) 100mg

  • Nutriherb Senna Aid Constipation 30 Tablets



    A natural aid for constipation.


    Suggested use: Adults – One tablet with a glass of water, if required can increase the dose to three tablets, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Do not exceed recommended dosage. Do not use for more than 8-10 days.


    Active ingredients:

    Standardised herbal extract and powder:

    Senna (Senna Alexandrina) 40mg

    Providing 8mg Sennosides

  • Nutriherb Silica Seaweed Brewers Yeast 60 Tablets


    Silica, Seaweed & Brewers Yeast

    A natural nutritional supplement for healthy skin, hair and nails.


    Suggested use: Adults – One tablets two to three times daily with water before meals, as required, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Do not exceed recommended dosage.

    Not recommended for children.


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients:

    Standardised herbal extract & powder equ to:

    Silica / horsetail herb 300mg

    (Equisetum arvense)

    Seaweed 100mg

    Brewers yeast (Deactivated) 100mg

  • Nutriherb Sinugen 60 Capsules



    A unique blend of herbs traditionally used to aid the symptoms of catarrh and sinus.


    Suggested use: One to three capsules daily with water or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Not recommended for children or pregnant women.


    Active Ingredients:

    Dried herbal extract and powder equ to:

    Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) 250mg

    Nettle (Urtica dioica) 150mg

    Eyebright (Euphrasia of ficinalis) 150mg

    Liquorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 100mg

    Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) 50mg

    Warburgia (Warburgia salutaris) 50mg

    Wild ginger (Siphonochilus aethiopicus) 40mg

    Capsicum (Capsicum spp.) 30mg

    Anise (Pimpinella anisum) 20mg

    Wild Mint (Mentha longifolia) 20mg

  • Nutriherb Slippery Elm 60 Capsules


    Slippery Elm

    A highly mucilaginous herb used to coat the stomach and provide protection in cases of gastritis, heartburn and ulercation.


    Suggested use: Adults – One to three capsules on an empty stomach before meals or when required for relief, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Do not exceed 10 capsules per day.

    Not recommended for children or pregnant women.


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Standardised powder and extract equ to:

    Slippery elm bark 2:1 (Ulmus rubra)  350mg

    Equivalent to 700mg slippery elm bark powder

  • Nutriherb St John’s Wort 60 Tablets


    St John’s Wort

    Nutritionally beneficial for nervous tension, depression and emotional upsets associated with menopause and premenstrual syndrome.


    Suggested use: Adults – One tablet two to three times daily with water before meals, as required, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Do not exceed recommended dosage.

    Not recommended for children.


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Standardised herbal extract & powder equ to:

    St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) 300mg

    Standardised to 0.2% (5:1) Hypericins

    Equivalent to 1500mg St Johns wort powder.


  • Nutriherb Sutherlandia Multipurpose Adaptogen 30 Tablets


    Sutherlandia Powder

    An African traditional herbal supplement to aid the immune system. Originated  with the Khoi and Nama people who used it as a multipurpose adaptogen.

    Kankerbos: Afrikaans , Cancer Bush: English, Unwele: Zulu


    Suggested use: Adults – One to three tablets daily with water, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.


    Further information:

    Kankerbos: Afrikaans , Cancer Bush: English, Unwele: Zulu



    Not recommended for children or pregnant women.


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients:

    Dried Herbal Powder:

    Sutherlandia (Sutherlandia frutescens) 300mg

  • Nutriherb Sutherlandia Multipurpose Adaptogen 60 Capsules


    Sutherlandia Powder

    An African traditional herbal supplement to aid the immune system. Originated  with the Khoi and Nama people who used it as a multipurpose adaptogen.

    Kankerbos: Afrikaans , Cancer Bush: English, Unwele: Zulu


    Suggested use: Adults – One to three capsules daily with water, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.


    Further information:

    Kankerbos: Afrikaans , Cancer Bush: English, Unwele: Zulu



    Not recommended for children or pregnant women.


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients:

    Dried Herbal Powder:

    Sutherlandia (Sutherlandia frutescens) 350mg

  • Nutriherb Sutherlandia Multipurpose Adaptogen 90 Tablets


    An African traditional herbal supplement to aid the immune system. Originated with the Khoi and Nama people who used it as a multipurpose adaptogen.

    Kankerbos: Afrikaans

    Cancer Bush: English

    Adults: One to three capsules daily with water, or as recommended by your health care professional.

  • Nutriherb Tranquigen 60 Tablets



    A traditional herbal supplement to aid relaxation from everyday stress and promote restful sleep.


    Suggested use: Adults – One tablet two to three times daily with water.

    To aid sleep: One to two tablets 30 mins before retiring, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.


    Further information:


    Do not exceed recommended dosage. Not recommended for children.

    Very high doses may affect the ability to drive or operate dangerous machinery.


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Standardised herbal extracts and powder equ to:

    Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) 150mg

    Hops (Humulus Iupulus) 150mg

    Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) 70mg

    Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) 70mg

  • Nutriherb Turmeric 60 Capsules



    A herbal food supplement traditionally used to aid the control of obesity. Turmeric is beneficial for liver function, the breakdown of dietary fats, stimulating circulation, reducing the tendency to clot and symptoms of inflammation. Bioperine substantially improves the absorption of turmeric.


    Suggested use: Adults – One capsule up to three times daily with meals or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Not recommended for children.


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Dried herbal powder

    Turmeric (Curcuma longa) 500mg

    Bioperine 2mg


  • Nutriherb Uzara 60 Capsules



    Nutritionally beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome, overactive bowl movement, diarrhoea, dysentery, stomach cramps and colic Also helpful for headaches, indigestion, oedema and dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation). The anti-diarrhoeal benefits are ascribed to several cardiac glycosides of which uzarin is the best known, The aglycone is known as uzazigenin.


    Suggested use: Adults – One capsule two times daily with water or as recommended by your healthcare professional. As a dietary supplement.


    Further information:


    Always consult your healthcare professional before taking this or any other product particularly in the case of children, pregnancy, breast-feeding, suffering from a serious health condition on any medication or treatment or if symptoms persist for more than 4 weeks.


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Uzara root (Xysmalobium undulatum) 500mg

  • Nutriherb Valerian 60 Capsules



    One of the most widely used herbal supplements. A non-addictive aid for the symptoms of stress, anxiety and insomnia. Also beneficial for high blood pressure, hypertension and menopausal problems.


    Suggested use: Adults – One capsule up to three times daily with water or as required. For insomnia one to two capsules 30 minutes before retiring, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:

    Not recommended for children and pregnant women.

    Very high doses may affect the ability to drive or operate dangerous machinery.


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Standardised herbal extract and powder equ to:

    Valerian root 3:1 (Valeriana officinalis) 380mg

    Equivalent to 1140mg Valerian Root Powder

  • Nutriherb Vascuzyme 90 Tablets



    Nutritionally beneficial for the circulatory system, blood pressure, cholesterol, and varicose and spider veins.


    Suggested use: Adults – One tablet three times daily with water best 15mins before meals, or as required or recommended by your healthcare professional.


    Further information:

    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Dried Nutri extract equ to:

    Green barley grass (Hordeum spp.) 100mg

    Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum) 100mg

    Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) 30mg

    Standardised herbal extract & powder equ to:

    Gingo (Gingko biloba) 400mg

    Butchers broom (Ruscus aculeatus) 120mg

    Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) 100mg

    Turmeric (Curcuma longa) 75mg

    Gota kola (Centella Asiatica) 60mg

    Horsetail fern (Equistram adsense) 60mg

    Capsicum (Capsicum frutescens) 50mg

    Ginger (Zingiber officinale) 25mg

    Other Nutrients:

    MSM (Methyl sulphonyl methane) 20mg

  • Nutriherb Virilegen 60 Tablets



    Nutritionally beneficial for male libido health and vitality.


    Suggested use: Adults – One tablet one to two times daily with water before meals, as required, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Do not exceed recommended dosage.

    Not recommended for children + pregnant women


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Standardised herbal extract and powder equ to:

    Catuaba Bark 200mg

    Maca (Lepidium meyenii) 200mg

    Saw Palmetto 200mg

    Schisandra berry 100mg

    Siberian Ginseng 100mg

    Ginkgo Biloba (Centella Asiatica) 100mg

  • Nutriherb Warburgia Coughs and Colds 60 Capsules


    Warburgia – Coughs and Colds

    English: Pepper-bark tree, Afrikaans: Pepperbasboom

    Traditionally used to aid the symptoms of coughs, colds and chest complications.


    Suggested use: Adults – One capsule two to three times daily with water, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Not recommended for children or pregnant women.


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients:

    Dried herbal powder:

    Warburgia leaves (Warburgia salutaris) 350mg

  • Nutriherb White Willow Aid Pain Relief 60 Capsules


    White Willow – Aid Pain Relief

    Nutritionally beneficial aid for pain associated with arthritis, gout and headaches.


    Suggested use: Adults – One to two capsules as required with water every four hours, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:

    Do not exceed recommended dosage

    Not recommended for children, pregnant women or anyone allergic to aspirin.


    Supplement facts:

    Active ingredients

    Standardised herbal extract and powder:

    White willow 4:1 (Salix alba) 250mg

    Equivalent to 1000mg

  • Nutriherb Wild Yam 60 Capsules


    Wild Yam

    Wild yam was the original source of the oral contraceptive. It is rich in steroidal saponins which provided the diosgenin for conversion into oestrogen and progesterone-like substances. It is helpful for period pain, menopause, cramps, colic and rheumatsim.


    Suggested use: Adults – One to six capsules daily with water, as required, or as recommended by your health care professional.


    Further information:


    Not recommended for children.


    Supplement fatcs:

    Active Ingredients

    Standardised herbal extract and powder equ to:

    Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) 550mg