
Showing 41–57 of 57 results

  • Health Connection Wholefoods Tapioca Flour 500g


    Tapioca Flour

    This product is by its nature gluten-free. Tapioca flour is made from dried and ground cassava root. It is excellent for thickening sauces, soups and stews as well as for use in baking.

    Serving and Usage suggestions: Tapioca flour can be used as an alternative to wheat flour in cooking / baking. For best results mix with other flours according to a recipe. Baking suggestion: Use xanthan gum / guar gum as a binding agent to improve the texture and volume of gluten-free baked products.


    Tapioca starch.

  • Health Connection Wholefoods Vanilla Extract 25ml


    Vanilla Extract

    Vanilla Extract is a natural, unrefined vanilla extract that’ll add a pure vanilla flavour to baked goods, hot drinks, cocktails & dessert toppings. This Vanilla Extract is made using a cold extraction process to preserve the real & full flavour spectrum within vanilla pods.

    Serving and Usage suggestions: Use 1 teaspoon vanilla extract per 1 litre batter or liquid.


    Mineral water, ethanol, vanilla pods, glycerine, vanillin.

  • Health Connection Wholefoods White Bread Mix Gluten Free 500g


    White Bread Mix Gluten Free

    This convenient premix makes a delicious loaf with a moist texture.

    Serving and Usage suggestions: Recipe on back of pack for 1 loaf of bread.


    Rice flour, potato starch, corn starch*, flaxseed powder, soya flour*, full cream milk powder, sugar, salt, stabilizers, food grade enzymes. * Does not contain GMO’s.

    Allergens: Cow’s milk; soya


  • Health Connection Wholefoods Wholegrain Spelt Flour 500g


    Wholegrain Spelt Flour

    Spelt is a species of wheat that has been grown since 5000 BC and is often tolerated by those sensitive to wheat. Whole spelt kernels have been milled to produce this brown flour which has a slightly sweet, nutty flavour.

    Suggested use:

    Spelt flour can be used as an alternative to wheat flour in cooking or baking. Baking suggestion: As this flour is low in gluten, use xanthan gum / guar gum as a binding agent to improve the texture and volume of baked goods.


    Spelt (gluten)

    This product is packed in a warehouse where peanuts and treenuts are present.

  • Health Connection Wholefoods Xanthan Gum 50g


    Xanthan Gum

    Xanthan gum is by its nature gluten-free and it can be used in low gluten and gluten-free baking to improve the elasticity of the dough, add volume to baked products and to improve their texture.

    Serving and Usage suggestions: Per cup of gluten-free or low gluten flour used in baking: Add 1 teaspoon xanthan gum in bread recipes, 1/2 teaspoon in cake or muffin recipes and 1/2 teaspoon (or less) in biscuit recipes.


    Xanthan gum.


  • Health Connection Wholefoods Xylitol 5g x 30 Sachets


    Wholefoods Xylitol 5g x 30 Sachets

    The xylitol crystals in these convenient sachets can be used as a sugar substitute. They are similar in sweetness to sugar.

    Serving and Usage suggestions: Use as a sweetener in drinks, cereals, cooking and baking.


    Excessive consumption may have a laxative effect. Xylitol can be dangerous for animals, especially dogs. This product is packed in a warehouse where peanuts and tree nuts are present.

  • Natures Choice Almond Flour Gluten Free 300g

  • Natures Choice Molasses Bran 300g

  • Sally Ann Creed Baking Powder 125g


    Baking Powder

    Sally-Ann’s very own baking powder, heavy metal-free and naturally gluten-free, this is a safe and non-toxic raising agent ideal for all your baking needs. Substitute your ordinary baking powder for Sally-Ann Creed® aluminum-free baking powder and reap these great benefits! As a substitute for conventional baking powder and due to the absence of gluten in our Sally-Ann Creed® Baking Powder, we recommend a 1 to 1.5 substitution ratio. You will also find that there is no “baking powdery” aftertaste taste with this one either.

    – Aluminum-free
    -Naturally gluten-free
    -Suitable for vegans
    -Low carb


    Suggested use: Not a direct 1 to 1 substitute – for every 1 serving conventional baking powder, use 1.5 time Sally-Ann Creed® baking powder


    Further information:

    Ingredients: Potato starch, bicarbonate of soda, cream of tartar

    Allergens: Packed in a facility that handles nuts and oats (gluten)

  • Sally Ann Creed Erythritol Granules – 500g


    Erythritol Granules – 500g

    Alternative sweetener, natural and safe, no carbs, no calories and tastes like sugar. Pure A-Grade, Gluten-Free Sugar alternative.

  • Sally Ann Creed Gluten Free All Purpose Flour 500g



    Ingredients:  a special blend of tapioca, potato and rice flours.  Wheat-free, gluten-free and no preservatives.

    Use this gluten-free flour mixture in place of any other flour you would normally use to thicken sauces, bake muffins, breads or cakes.  It makes wonderfully light cakes and can be used in place of any ordinary grain-based flour, but without the gluten, gliadin etc.

  • Sally Ann Creed No Carb Thickener Glucomannan – 100g


    No Carb Thickener – Glucomannan

    You might have heard of it, but then again you might not have.  Glucomannan derived from Konjac is the most amazing thing you can imagine when thickening sauces, gravies, soups, custards and stews.  Just think – something with no sugar, no carbs, no calories and no starch – yet is versatile, delicious to work with, and is a soluble fibre too.

    Health Benefits:

    • Slows the absorption of sugar
    • Helps to control blood sugar levels
    • Lowers blood sugar levels in Type 2 diabetics (study)**
    • Lowers insulin levels
    • Helps with constipation
    • Helps with weight loss
    • Helps with type-2 diabetes
    • Prevents constipation
    • Slows the absorption of cholesterol
    • Helps to reduce cholesterol levels
    • Raises HDL
    • Lowers total serum cholesterol by 10% (shown in a study)*
    • Lowers LDL cholesterol by 7.2% (study)*
    • Lowers triglyceride levels by a huge 23% (study)*
    • Lowers blood pressure by 2.5% (study)*

    *Study: Effects found in research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

    **Study: Double-blind study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition


    Further information:

    Glucomannan is both gluten-free and high in fibre with ZERO carbohydrates.  Classed as a fibre it is 95% soluble fibre – you only need a teeny bit to thicken something, it is tasteless and really does the job incredibly. No-Carb Thickener is also a fantastic low-carb alternative to corn starch, and just ½ a teaspoon thickens an entire cup of liquid and you never have to consider GMO cornstarch for thickening again! All you do is mix it with a small amount of cold water/liquid and then add it to the hot liquid (sauce etc) you wish to thicken, and stir until it’s thickened. Even better, you can thicken cold liquids without heating them and it makes a thick cold pudding with just ½ to 1 teaspoon in a cup! It will take on the flavour of the food/liquid without ever changing the taste.

    For Weightloss:

    This amazing substance comes from the root of the Konjac plant, known as “the broom of the intestines”.  Because it keeps you full longer, has NO carbohydrates and is tasteless, it’s amazing for weight loss.  Being a fibre, it keeps you regular too. No sugar, no carbs, a fibre, helps weight loss, cleans the intestines, tasteless, versatile… it doesn’t get any better than this. Great for replacing cornstarch, flour rouxs and xanthan gum it most recipes it’s also got zero calories (if you are concerned about that), and has no bad aftertaste or slimy texture.  Being able to whip it up into cold smoothies or pudding or anything else and not having to heat it to use it makes it really rather special!  In one study published by the International Journal of Obesity, participants lost 2,5kg in 8 weeks simply by adding a gram of glucomannan to their food an hour before meals, with no other dietary changes whatsoever.

    Glucomannan is a pure, soluble fibre free of starch, sugar and calories and is the most viscous soluble fibre found in nature. As a water-soluble fibre, it has great potential to reduce postprandial blood glucose, insulin and serum lipid levels than insoluble fibre.  The greater the viscosity of fibre, the greater the effect.

    Tips on how to use it:

    Great for gravies to cold puddings and everything in between.

    • Store it in a ‘shaker’ – the old flour shakers are still around if you look for them, to control how much comes out. It’s important to distribute the powder evenly over the liquid, not in a big clump, as from a shaker with small holes, because it works so fast!
    • Just add a little shake at a time and whisk in, you can always add more. So add in around half of what you think you need, work with it and then add a little more as needed. Wait for a minute between shakes, after whisking to let it do its magic, and then take it from there.
    • For thickening, though, it’s always best to mix it with a small amount of liquid (cold water, stock, wine) till smooth, then add it to the food that you want thickened. If you add it directly to your food you could end up with a lumpy mess. It is naturally odourless and gluten-free, making it the perfect substitute in cooking and baking when flour and other glutinous starches must be avoided
    • While it won’t thicken much when mixed with cold water (you need more for cold than hot), it quickly thickens when it’s heated. This is why you don’t add dry powder directly onto hot liquids. It will seize and immediately turn into lumps. By mixing it with cold water first, you allow it to absorb the water slowly enough to dissolve easily first, then add to the hot liquid and it won’t clump.  It has around 10 times the thickening power of corn starch, and is far better in this regard than potato starch as well.
    • Ideal for thickening bone broth without taking away from the broth – and without adding starches. You will still get all the benefit and have a thicker, more ‘comforting’ meal out of it if you are on a bone-broth fast.  Thin watery broth can make one feel as though you have missed out – this will not interfere with any health benefits you are hoping to achieve.
    • You’ll find it thickens with a satiny smooth, glossy appearance adding no taste to mask the flavour of food. Thickened sauces also have a brighter, more translucent appearance than those thickened with other flours.
    • Another fabulous feature of glucomannan flour is that it can be mixed with other flours to produce more tender baked goods.

    More great reasons to take it – here are two:

    • For weight loss: Mix ½ tsp of powder with a glass of water and drink 30 minutes before a meal – drink this immediately before it starts to gel.
    • It’s a fabulous constipation remedy too, and much more – watch this space, I’ll tell you more another day.

    Store tightly sealed in a dry place, it lasts indefinitely!

  • Sally Ann Creed Psyllium Husks – 150g


    Psyllium Husks

    This all-natural fibre supplement from Sally Ann Creed is just what you need for a happy colon and a healthy heart. Psyllium husk is a plant-derived fibre that acts as a safe, all-natural laxative, keeping you regular without the side effects of pharmaceutical laxatives. Taking psyllium regularly also helps to keep your cholesterol and blood sugar levels in check, protecting you from the risk of heart disease. Sally Ann Creed’s psyllium husks are pure and natural, and easy to use, giving you a healthy drug-free solution to digestive troubles.

    • Naturally gluten-free
    • No artificial additives or preservatives
    • Source of fibre; promotes digestive health
    • Relieves constipation; bulks up waste for easier elimination
    • Won’t cause dependency like ordinary pharmaceutical laxatives
    • Helps to ease inflammatory conditions like colitis & IBS
    • The soluble fibre in psyllium helps to lower LDL cholesterol
    • Assists with maintaining a healthy glycaemic balance (controlling blood sugar)
    • By promoting healthy digestion, psyllium may also assist with weight loss

    Suggested use: Adults: Mix 1-2tsp with at least 1 glass of liquid. Take once or twice daily, on an empty stomach.

  • Sally Ann Creed Pure Bicarbonate Of Soda – 500g


    Pure Bicarbonate Soda

    An invaluable baking aid, bicarb also removes stains, cleans the house, relieves bloating, kills fungus and mould, and can be used as a natural deodorant.  People have been using bicarb for years as an exfoliator, hand softener, foot soother, remedy for toenail fungus, allergic rashes and sunburn relief.

    This is a superior product which helps baked goods rise.

    • Baking – as a rising agent
    • Aluminium free
    • Freshens breath – mix 1 tsp in a glass of water. Rinse your mouth twice
    • Whitens/polishes teeth/use as a natural toothpaste
    • Use as a natural deodorant
    • Gentle exfoliator
    • Relieves skin irritation – add a cup to bathwater
    • Relieves heartburn/safe antacid
    • Relieves insect bites
    • Keeps brushes and combs clean
    • Pamper your feet – soak in a baking soda solution with warm water
    • Cleans sinks & baths safely, safe floor cleaner
    • Deodorize your fridge and even carpets
  • Sally Ann Creed Tapioca Flour Gluten Free 500g


    Tapioca Flour Gluten Free

    • This gluten-free flour is very important for adding fluffiness to gluten-free flour mixes. Tapioca flour comes from the cassava plant, which is very similar to a sweet potato, and very nutritious.  Can be used for thickening and gives a wonderful ‘mouth-feel’ to baked goods.
  • Sally Ann Creed Xylitol Granules A – Grade 500g


    Xylitol Granules

    •  A naturally occurring alcohol found in most plant material, including many fruits and vegetables. It is extracted from birch wood to make medicine. Xylitol is widely used as a sugar substitute and in “sugar-free” chewing gums, mints, and other candies.
    • A-grade, natural, healthy, low carb sugar alternative.
  • Soaring Free Cacao Butter Raw 200g


    Cold Processed Chocolate Butter

    Raw cacao has a rich history amongst ancient Central American cultures. All chocolate comes from cacao beans, which is the nut of the cacao fruit. Raw cacao butter is the good fat content which has been cold-pressed from the cacao bean.

    Most cacao products are roasted at high temperatures and then refined through machinery using high heat. Soaring Free Superfoods raw cacao products are carefully dried and cold processed ensuring truly raw cacao that keeps the delicate nutrients intact. Our cacao is certified organic and tested for heavy metals.

    • Magnesium rich
    • Antioxidant rich
    • Natural anti-depressant
    • Weight management

    Further information:

    • Magnesium: Magnesium is the primarily mineral missing when heart problems occur. Magnesium increases the overall vigor of the heart muscle. This mineral also decreases blood coagulation thus lowering blood pressure and helping the heart pump more effectively. Cacao, of course, is a fantastic food source of heart-supporting magnesium.
    • Antioxidants: According to research cited in The New York Times, fresh cacao beans are super-rich in antioxidant flavonols. Cacao beans contain 10,000 milligrams (10 grams) per 100 grams of flavonol antioxidants. This is a whopping 10% antioxidant concentration level! This makes cacao one of the richest sources of antioxidants of any food.
    • Anti-Depressant Properties: Cacao is a great source of serotonin, dopamine, and phenylethylamine, three well-studied neurotransmitters, which help alleviate depression and are associated with feelings of well being. Cacao contains monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO Inhibitors) that improve our mood because they allow serotonin and dopamine to remain in the bloodstream longer without being broken down. Cacao contains anandamide which delivers blissful feelings. Cacao also contains B vitamins, which are associated with brain health. Cacao contains significant quantities of the amino acid tryptophan which is yet another powerful mood-enhancing nutrient. All this makes cacao a natural Anti-Depressant!
    • Weight management: Anyone who eats chocolate knows that it diminishes appetite. There is evidence indicating MAOIs also diminish appetite. There is actually no scientific evidence to implicate chocolate consumption with obesity. In fact the reverse seems to be the case. Eating cacao helps one to loose weight by allowing you to eat less.


    How to use Cacao Butter:

    Combined with raw cacao paste or powder and your sweetener of choice, you can easily create your own healthy chocolates at home. Add a small chunk of cacao butter to warm drinks such as hot chocolate. As a stable saturated fat, it is a good choice of oil to use when cooking. You can also use it as a skin moisturiser or after-sun lotion.